In School Programs

Tennessee 4-H allows for clubs to happen within the school day. We aim to partner with in-school classrooms to provide creative instruction and curriculum to 4th-8th grade classrooms. Our primary classrooms receive English and science-based lessons. These programs are offered during the school day at no cost.

Teachers and/or administrators can request traditional in-school clubs or utilize our knowledge as guest speakers.

If your school participates in 4-H during the day, a club meeting will happen 45-60 minutes during class time, 5 times a year.

In-school clubs with 4-H agents would work with multiple clubs/classes in a row. The minimum an agent works with is 4 during one school day.

A teacher or volunteer leader must be present during the club meeting to assist with class management. Youth will receive age-appropriate supplemental education to improve communication and workforce preparation.

Youth will be invited to participate in several county, regional, and state 4-H competitions throughout the year to expand upon what they have learned in school and to get them excited to participate in 4-H outside of school. Teachers can select which contests we promote like the poster art contest, public speaking contest, demonstration contest, interactive exhibit contest, or clover bowl.

Our availability to lead clubs fills up quickly! Teachers, administrators, or other staff are encouraged to contact us early to get 4-H in your school!

Extension agents serve as experts in youth development and informal education. If you are not interested in traditional in-school clubs but instead want hands-on learning to enhance your classroom, this is an option for you.

Agents have programs for different grades that your classroom can receive to bring your standards to life. Some examples of curriculum developed by our team include:

  • Solar System Mapping
  • Decomposer Tag
  • Illuminating Germs
  • Bubbleology
  • Fossils
  • What’s Shaking- Physical/Chemical Changes
  • Bug On a Run Design Challenge
  • Marble Coaster Engineering and Design
  • Invasive Species
  • Hydrologic Cycles
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Electricity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing 101
  • Leadership Training
  • Kids Yoga
  • On My Own

Contact Information

Alyssa Ann Anderson Profile Page
Alyssa Ann Anderson
FR-Tsu-Extension Agent I, Overton County
Responsible Area(s)
4-H Youth Development