Leadership Overton Youth Academy was established to help high school members gain leadership qualities that would increase chances for scholarships, admission into advancing education programs. Freshmen apply in the spring and participate in the program in their 10th-grade year.
Some very fun activities are included in Leadership Overton Youth Academy:
- Identify your leadership styles
- Visit local industries to learn about positions out of high school
- Practice registering to vote and learn about identifying local officials
- Raise money and volunteer for local non-profits
- Meet all your county leaders and know how to utilize their services
- Visit the Capitol
- Explore careers in health care, compete in a health obstacle course, plan a funeral (yes, what does that look like?)
- Visit TN Tech and UTK and do labs with professors
- Tour the jail and conduct a criminal trial
- Go on an overnight trip to Gatlinburg
- See a dinner show
- Go Hiking
And so much more! If you are ready to apply, we are ready to review your application! The application deadline for current freshmen is now August 9th, 2023. All applications must be turned in on paper as stated in the application. If you are a 9th-grade home school student, please contact Leadership Overton, youthleadershipoverton@gmail.com, to learn how to turn in your application.